Water Retention Aid
HIDROKEEPER is a white granular water-absorbent polymer specifically designed to absorb and retain large quantities of water and nutrients for use in agriculture, horticulture and, forestry. HIDROKEPER hydrates upon contact with water and turns into a transparent gel that serves as a reservoir for water and later passes the water to the plant roots when needed. Each gram of HIDROKEPER absorbs up to half a liter of distilled water and increases its weight up to five hundred times. In cultivated soil, a gram of HIDROKEEPER absorbs, on average, 200-300 millimeters of running water (depending on the salt and mineral content of the soil). Due to its reversible characteristic, 95% of the retained water will be accessible to the plant’s roots.

Erosion Control Aid
HIDROFIX is a water-soluble polymer that improves soil-porosity as its suspended fine particles flocculate to the surface, reducing soil-erosion that is caused by irrigation or water-sprinkling systems. Sprayed in diluted quantities all over the area to be treated, HIDROFIX forms a synthetic network that improve both soil cohesion and water infiltration. The resulting hydrophilic properties promotes soil stabilization and improves seed-germination and root development. HIDROFIX can also used as a soil stabilizer that fights against environmental wind and water soil erosion.